Easy Stories to Reading for Fifth Grade

Have a group of reluctant readers? Not sure which fifth grade books to recommend? Fifth graders can be tricky to please as they are slowly moving away from their elementary school selves and beginning to see the world in a more mature way. They are capable of understanding and questioning texts differently than in the past. We've compiled a list of books that will keep your readers engaged and chatting with one another about the lessons, questions, predictions, and thoughts they have while they read. Check out this list of favorite fifth grade books to start creating a room full of great readers!

(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)

1. Smile by Raina Telgemeier

Book cover of Smile as an example of 5th grade books

When Raina trips and falls, injuring her two front teeth, she's forced to have surgery and wear braces, making sixth grade even wilder than it already is. This graphic novel, based on Telgemeier's life, has everything from boy problems to a major earthquake.

Buy it: Smile at Amazon

2. Holes by Louis Sachar

Book cover of Holes

Moving and funny with an edge, Louis Sachar's Newbery Medal–winning novel Holes revolves around Stanley Yelnats (his surname is Stanley spelled backwards), who has been sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center, to dig holes. Soon after picking up the shovel, Stanley begins to suspect that they are doing more than just moving dirt.

But it: Holes at Amazon

3. Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan

Book cover of Esperanza Rising, as an example of 5th grade books

This is historical fiction at its finest. It's the story of Esperanza, a wealthy girl living in Mexico, who must go with her family to the United States during the Great Depression. Esperanza's life gets turned upside down, but she pushes through and learns that pleasant surprises can result from change.

Buy it: Esperanza Rising at Amazon

4. Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Book cover of Wonder as an example of 5th grade books

The hero of Wonder is Auggie Pullman, who has an extremely rare medical facial deformity. After having undergone many facial surgeries, Auggie has been homeschooled by his mother, but soon he will be attending mainstream school for the first time. This lovely story of acceptance will have every pre-teen rooting for Auggie the "wonder."

But it: Wonder at Amazon

5. Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

Book cover of Freak the Mighty as an example of 5th grade books

"I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while." Freak the Mighty is the tale of the unlikely friendship between Max, a strong boy with a learning disability, and Freak, a brilliant, small boy with a heart condition. Together, they are Freak the Mighty: nine feet tall and ready to conquer the world!

But it: Freak the Mighty at Amazon

6. Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper

Book cover of Out of My Mind as an example of 5th grade books

Words always swirl around in Melody's head. However, due to her cerebral palsy, they remain stuck in her brain. Out of My Mind is the powerful story of an intelligent young girl with a photographic memory who cannot communicate her thoughts. No one believes Melody is capable of learning, but she eventually finds her voice.

But it: Out of My Mind at Amazon

7. Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko

Book cover of Al Capone Does My Shirts

Moose Flanagan isn't growing up where most kids grow up. He is a resident of The Rock, also known as Alcatraz, the infamous prison where his father works as an electrician. In an effort to help his sister, Natalie, who has autism, Moose gets help from an unlikely—and notorious—new friend.

But it: Al Capone Does My Shirts at Amazon

8. I Am Malala (Young Reader's Edition) by Malala Yousafzai

Book cover of I Am Malala

The inspiring memoir of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani teen who was shot by the Taliban and subsequently became an international symbol of peaceful protest. Every preteen should hear the wisdom in the words, "When you've nearly lost your life, a funny face in the mirror is simply proof that you are still here on this earth."

Buy it: I Am Malala at Amazon

9. Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli

Book cover of Maniac Magee

Jerry Spinelli's classic Maniac Magee follows an orphan boy looking for a home in a fictional town in Pennsylvania. For his feats of athleticism and fearlessness and his ignorance to the racial boundaries around him, Jeffrey "Maniac" Magee becomes something of a local legend. This timeless book is essential reading for learning about social identity and finding your place in the world.

But it: Maniac Magee at Amazon

10. Baseball in April and Other Stories by Gary Soto

Book cove of Baseball in April and Other Stories

Gary Soto uses experiences from his own life as a Mexican American growing up in California as the inspiration for 11 stellar short stories, each describing small moments that showcase bigger themes. Crooked teeth, girls with ponytails, embarrassing relatives, and karate class all are wonderful fabric for Soto to weave the beautiful tapestry that is young Gary's world.

Buy it: Baseball in April and Other Stories at Amazon

11. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Book cover of The Secret Garden

Fifth graders will enjoy  Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic children's novel The Secret Garden. Mary Lennox is a spoiled orphan sent to live with her uncle at his mansion full of secrets. Generations young and old love this book that showcases the true meaning of the word family.

But it: The Secret Garden at Amazon

12. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

Book cover of Bridge to Terabithia

This is a classic book for fifth grade. Jess meets the smart and talented Leslie after she beats him in a race at school. Leslie transforms his world, teaching him how to have courage in the face of adversity. They create a kingdom for themselves called Terabithia, an imaginary refuge where their adventures take place. In the end, Jess has to overcome heartbreaking tragedy in order to stay strong.

Buy it: Bridge to Terabithia at Amazon

13. The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

Book cover of The City of Ember

The city of Ember was built as a last refuge for the human race. Two hundred years later, the lamps that light the city are beginning to die out. When Lina finds part of an ancient message, she's sure it holds a secret that will save the city. This classic dystopian tale will light up your heart.

Buy it: The City of Ember at Amazon

14. The Giver by Lois Lowry

Book cover of The Giver

Lois Lowry's classic The Giver begins as a utopian tale but is later revealed to be a dystopian story in every sense of the word. Jonas lives in a world where society has eliminated memories, pain, and emotional depth. When he becomes a Receiver of Memory, he struggles with new emotions he's never before felt. And as you read, so will you!

Buy it: The Giver at Amazon

15. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

Book cover of Number the Stars

Lois Lowry does it again! Be prepared to answer lots of questions while reading this classic must-read about Annemarie, a young girl who helps keep her Jewish friends safe during the Holocaust. The details are so precise, you will feel as if you are right in the middle of the story.

Buy it: Number the Stars at Amazon

16. Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Book cover of Hatchet

This adventure tale is another classic for your list of fifth grade books. It's also a great example of huge character growth. Brian must try to survive the wilderness after a plane crash, but he has only the clothes on his back, a windbreaker, and the titular hatchet. Brian learns how to fish, how to build a fire, and most importantly, patience.

Buy it: Hatchet at Amazon

17. The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis

Book cover of The Watsons Go To Birmingham

History unfolds in this book set during the Civil Rights Movement when the Watsons, a family from Flint, Michigan, take a road trip to Alabama. Chock-full of family dynamics, adolescent angst, and humor, this book will encourage much discussion about what Birmingham was like in 1963.

Buy it: The Watsons Go to Birmingham at Amazon

18. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Book cover of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

This classic diary documents the life of Anne Frank while she was in hiding with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The diary has since been published in over 60 languages. It's a gripping and heartbreaking tale for kids and adults to read and discuss together.

But it: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl at Amazon

19. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

Book cover of Where the Red Fern Grows

Here's another title that tops lists of classic fifth grade books. This story is an exciting tale of love and adventure that your fifth grader will never forget. Ten-year-old Billy raises hunting dogs in the Ozark Mountains. Throughout the story, young Billy encounters his share of heartbreak.

Buy it: Where the Red Fern Grows at Amazon

20. Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech

Book cover of Walk Two Moons

Two heartwarming, compelling stories are woven together in this delightful tale. As 13-year-old Salamanca Tree Hiddle takes a cross-country trip with her grandparents, a story of love, loss, and the depth and complexity of human emotion is revealed.

Buy it: Walk Two Moons at Amazon

21. Restart by Gordon Korman

Book cover of Restart

Restart is the story of a boy whose messy past gets a second chance in middle school. After falling off a roof and losing his memory, Chase must live life again and relearn who he was before the accident. But does he want to return to that boy? Not only does he ask who he was, now the question is who he wants to be.

Buy it: Restart at Amazon

22. Wish by Barbara O'Connor

Book cover of Wish

If you're looking for fifth grade books for animal lovers, check out this title. Eleven-year-old Charlie Reese spends her time making lists of her wishes. Not sure if they will ever come true, Charlie meets Wishbone, a stray dog who captures her heart. Charlie surprises herself in learning that sometimes the things we wish for may not be the things we actually need.

Buy it: Wish at Amazon

23. Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Book cover of Fish in a Tree as an example of 5th grade books

Ally is able to fool everyone in each of her new schools into thinking she can read. But her newest teacher, Mr. Daniels, sees right through her. Mr. Daniels helps Ally realize that being dyslexic is nothing to be ashamed of. As her confidence grows, Ally sees the world in a whole new way.

Buy it: Fish in a Tree at Amazon

24. Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate

Book cover of Home of the Brave, as an example of 5th grade books

This is a story about courage and challenges as Kek comes from Africa to the United States, where he has very little family. America is a strange place to him as he sees and learns about things like snow for the first time. Slowly, Kek builds new friendships and learns to love his new country as he toughs out the Minnesota winter.

Buy it: Home of the Brave at Amazon

25. The Journey That Saved Curious George by Louise Borden

Book cover of The Journey that Saved Curious George, as an example of 5th grade books

In 1940, Hans and Margaret Rey fled their Paris home as the German army advanced. This began their journey to safety all while carrying children's book manuscripts among their few possessions. Read and learn about this amazing story that brought the beloved Curious George to the world, with original photos!

Buy it: The Journey That Saved Curious George at Amazon

26. Rules by Cynthia Lord

Book cover of Rules, as an example of 5th grade books

Twelve year-old Catherine just wants a normal life. Growing up in a home with a severely autistic brother makes things really difficult. Catherine is determined to teach her brother, David, the "rules of life" to prevent his embarrassing behaviors in public and make her life more "normal." Everything changes during the summer when Catherine meets some new friends, and now she must ask herself: What is normal?

Buy it: Rules at Amazon

27. Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea

Book cover of Because of Mr. Terupt, as an example of 5th grade books

One fifth grade class is about to embark on a year like no other as their teacher, Mr. Terupt, changes the way they view school. While Mr. Terupt helps each student achieve their fifth grade goals, the students learn it's Mr. Terupt who needs their help the most. This book is the first of a three-book series your students will not want to put down!

Buy it: Because of Mr. Terupt at Amazon

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Source: https://www.weareteachers.com/5th-grade-books/

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