Beef Noodle Soup Vs Tom Yum

This Thai beef noodle soup recipe is one of my absolute favorite Thai soups. It's also pretty easy to make at home and very adjustable to individual tastes.

This Thai beef noodle soup recipe is 1 of my absolute favorite Thai soups. It's likewise pretty easy to make at domicile though I have to admit there's nothing quite similar getting it in Thailand itself where street vendors peddle their tasty soups from pushcarts which are a little bit like the hot dog carts y'all'll discover in American cities.

Instead of a humid pot of hot dogs in the middle of the cart, at that place's a boiling pot of os broth.

Seriously, how cool is that?Bone broth on wheels! That'southward what I call the noodle soup carts of Thailand.

Peradventure someday it will catch on here in America (merely probably not). Well, in Thailand they're constitute everywhere , roaming through the streets of cities and towns or parked at roadside stalls and markets.

In the middle of the cart is a big stockpot, nearly 1-and-a-half to two feet in diameter and maybe three to 4 feet deep. Within the stockpot are 2-3 separate chambers, i or two for a few dissimilar types of broth and a smaller one for boiling and blanching various noodles and veggies. Next to the stockpot is a small brandish window showcasing different types of noodles, veggies, herbs, chilies, meats, pastes, and sauces, all of which are added to the goop in different ways to create a diverseness of different soups.

You'll frequently hear them coming too as the vendors volition tap 2 pieces of a bamboo block together creating a resonant audio that's often referred to as "pok pok." This lets people know that their noodle soup is nearby. Just the thought of that audio makes me start salivating!

Here'southward a really cool YouTube video to see what I'thou talking about.

And no, not every noodle soup vendor does what she did at the 1:08 mark. Only it'southward certainly not uncommon either.

These soups are an iconic part of Thai street nutrient and culture offering an well-nigh infinite variety of dissimilar styles and flavors that blend influences from throughout Asia.  While some take evolved into uniquely Thai versions, some are not and so different from what yous might find in other southeast Asian countries. For example, the famous Vietnamese noodle soup, Pho, is not that unlike from a Thai beef noodle soup.

The Thai Soup Secret

If you similar this Thai beef noodle soup recipe, you lot're certain to like the dozens of other Thai soup recipes that are in my new cookbook, The Thai Soup Undercover .

You'll find xl recipes for different types of soups, congees, broths, and more than!

Other than Tom Yum Goong and Tom Kha Gai, Thailand's 2 most famous soups, Thai soups are non that well known exterior Thailand. There are literally hundreds of Thai soups that never arrive to the menus of western Thai restaurants.  In my travels in Thailand, I collected many of these recipes and include them in the book.

In particular, I focus on broth-based Thai soups that are both healing to the trunk and super simple to make at habitation. The Thai beefiness noodle soup recipe is actually one of the more in-depth recipes!

Thai Soup Secret cover

Transform Your Health with Thailand'south #1 Superfood!

Includes 40 restorative recipes for broths, congees, and soups. All gluten and dairy-free!

How to Make a Thai Beefiness Noodle Soup

Thai beefiness noodle soup is complex, rich, slightly sweet, and flavored with cinnamon and star anise.

For the beef, apply whatever tender cut of beef and slice it into very sparse, raw strips.  You lot could besides flash fry the beef in some oil on both sides and then slice information technology thin.  Only pouring the hot broth over the strips volition cook them sufficiently.

Thai Noodle Soup

Thai Beef Noodle Soup Recipe

A staple of Thai street food culture, this Thai beefiness noodle soup is complex, rich, slightly sweet and flavored with cinnamon and star anise.

For residue of soup:

  • 1 pound tender cut of beef, tenderloin, strip steak, etc., sliced against the grain into very thin strips
  • 2-3 TBSPs coconut oil or peanut or palm oil
  • iii-4 cups greens of your selection – spinach, bok choy greens, kale, etc.
  • 1 packet rice noodles
  1. Simmer beef broth with spices, seasonings and everything else for 2-3 hours on a very gentle simmer to allow flavors amalgamate. Strain everything out. You can also make your beef goop from scratch with the bones and all the seasonings and strain out the basic forth with everything else.

  2. Gear up rice noodles co-ordinate to bundle directions.

  3. In the last few minutes add the greens to the goop to gently wilt.

  4. In individual bowls add a handful or two of cooked rice noodles and raw beefiness strips and ladle with a few cups of hot broth and permit sit for a infinitesimal or two to melt the meat.  Add seasonings, equally much or as picayune of each as you lot prefer, to taste.

More Thai Soup Recipes to Try

This Thai beef noodle soup recipe is one of my absolute favorite Thai soups. It's also pretty easy to make at home and very adjustable to individual tastes.
  • Tom Kha Gai (Thai Kokosnoot Chicken Soup)
  • Tom Yum Soup Recipe (Hot and Sour Soup)
  • Thai Congee (Jok)
  • Thai Basil Pesto Soup with Shrimp
  • Thai Kokosnoot Carrot Soup
  • Thai Vegetable Soup (Gaeng Jued)
  • Thai Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Thai Bouillabaisse
  • Tom Saap (Thai Pork Ribs Hot and Sour Soup)
  • Khao Tom Gai (Thai Chicken and Rice Soup)
  • Gaeng Om (Thai Herbal Curry Soup)
  • Kaeng Som (Southern Thai Sour Curry Soup)
  • Thai Watermelon Mint Soup
  • Thai Mango Gazpacho

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Thai Beef Noodle Soup Recipe


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